Frequently Asked Questions

  • To get started, contact us to schedule an initial consultation. We will discuss your business needs, determine how our services can best support you, and develop which of our packaged offerings is best for your particular needs.

  • The frequency of meetings will depend on your specific requirements and the scope of the engagement. This can range from weekly meetings to 2x/month.

  • We communicate through email, phone, and text messages and aim to respond within 1 business day to communications from our clients.

  • We seek to become an extension of our client’s team. One of our core values is that we operate as a “we” with our clients, meaning that rather than refer to a client as “you,” we say “we” in order to establish ourselves as part of the team. To that end, our usual engagements are multi-year engagements and our aim is to help clients grow to the point that we must be replaced with a full-time CFO.

  • ● Financial planning and analysis
    ● Strategic financial consulting
    ● Budgeting and forecasting
    ● Risk management
    ● Cash Flow Management
    ● Investment advisory
    ● Mergers and acquisitions support
    ● Capital structure optimization
    ● Performance improvement strategie

  • All our pricing consists of fixed packages with fixed rates. Our pricing ranges from $3,000/month - $10,000/month+.

  • You can buy forecasting software, but it will lack the insights we bring regarding best practice financial management techniques and what bankers and lenders will want to see to finance your business. And with us, you aren’t buying just our ability to forecast. You are buying our unique insights, additional financial tools, access to our preferred lenders and financing partners, and our strategic planning capabilities to build you a more profitable and valuable business without cash flow concerns.

  • It takes a lot of time to understand the intimate details of your business. Whenever we dig into the inner workings of a client business, we find that there is very regularly a good reason why a particular process exists the way it does. And we want to present you with advice that is best for your business and that your team can be excited about as well, not highly generic, non-valuable advice that makes your team’s work more difficult. For that reason, we work with clients that are long-term committed to the results that they will receive by working with us.

  • Depending on the client's current state of their accounting, we are able to start producing high quality forecasts that deliver actionable insights within just 1-3 months. We see forecasting as a means to an end though. Forecasting may tell us that there are anticipated cash flows concerns, which may lead us to raise outside capital. We may also need to develop plans and help clients execute on key deliverables to reach their growth targets in the forecast. So, in short summary, we produce forecasts pretty quickly, but then we take action to make sure the business is properly financed and our fundraising can often take 2-4 months, and our strategic initiatives can take longer depending on the focus.

  • The engagement process begins with an initial consultation to understand your business needs and objectives. Then, the first 1-3 weeks involve us connecting with the client's accounting system to retrieve financial data and kick-off meetings with owners and accounting team members. We then work closely with your team to understand the current status of your accounting practices and financial records, as well your current strategic plans and goals. Once we ensure that the accounting records are in good order, we start forecasting your goals and make plans to help you achieve them.

  • We analyze your financial data to identify areas for improvement, develop strategies to enhance revenue and profitability, optimize cash flow, and implement effective cost management practices. But, we are inherent believers that helping our clients achieve additional, sustainable revenue with appropriate cost management is the best result. We know that in order to make money, one has to spend money, but we want to help you spend less than what you make.

  • While accounting firms focus primarily on bookkeeping, tax preparation, and financial compliance,Brady CFO provides higher-level strategic planning, financial analysis, risk management, and long-term financial planning services. We are your strategic advisors helping you grow, not focused on telling you how your historical costs were recorded.