Get a CFO for a Day… Every Week

With Brady CFO, you're not paying for deliverables. You're investing in a creative and evolving strategy that fits the needs of your growing business. 

We’ve intentionally designed an innovative service model to support CEOs/owners of values-oriented businesses with the tools and insights needed to drive sustainable growth without wasting time and money on inefficient processes or unnecessary expenditures.

What We Do

  • What We Do

    Strategic Partnership for Revenue and Profit Growth

    Brady CFO is a team of corporate financial experts who help you build the business of your dreams and never run out of cash. We serve as strategic partners to business CEOs and owners by identifying revenue and profitability growth opportunities. We then model the outcomes of those initiatives we co-create with CEOs/Management/Ownership. We finally help pick the next best opportunities based on their ROI to the business. We balance all of this with helping to manage and source the capital needed to grow.

  • Why We Do It

    Safeguarding Your Business from Financial Pitfalls

    Poor financial management and lack of long-term planning can lead to devastating consequences for businesses. We've seen high-growth companies run out of cash due to no comprehensive financial strategy except to grow sales at all costs. Our mission is to shield you from these pitfalls, positioning you, as a CEO or owner, to truly enjoy running your company. We're here to alleviate your financial stress, obtain significant revenue and profitability growth, and ensure you never run out of cash in the process.

  • How We Do It

    Systemized Meetings and Continuous Deliverables

    We support businesses with a remote CFO + Financial Analyst team together serving a client. Our analyst supports the CFO and CEO/Management/Ownership with necessary financial models and reports to support decision-making. The CFO serves as the main point of contact for the client and flexibly focuses on strategy projects and initiatives, along with attending key leadership meetings to gain traction. 

Are you ready to elevate your business's financial health and drive sustainable growth? Book a call today to dive into the details.